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Release Notes Repository»Release Notes 10.0.x»Service Pack1 (
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Last modified on 4/6/2018 12:40 PM.

Service Pack1 (

SMARTer Manager: Srvc Pack1 (

This release contains 1 case.

1703: Cannot accept or void a check - Invalid modify request.

SMARTer Manager version did not allow the user to Accept or Void a check at the Check Verification screen.

Issue: When a check is rejected, it cannot be accepted or voided. The user receives an error when clicking the Void or Accept button or double-clicking the item in the grid: Exception class name = EDBEngineError , Exception message = Invalid modify request. conversion error from string "XXXXXXX". 

Non-numeric characters in the Check Number field of any check caused the issue. This service pack corrects the issue and allows the use of non-numeric characters in the check number field. Resolved in SMARTer Manager


Note: The date on this article represents the date the Release Notes were posted or modified here, not the date of the actual release. 

SMARTer Manager version is available via a download link. All client/workstation machines must be updated, your SMARTer Manager server, ShopTrak and DCS machines do not require the update, by running the V10.0.1.96.exe file. If you need assistance with this issue you can contact or call 877.255.8221
