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Release Notes Repository»Release Notes 8.5.7»Service Pack
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Last modified on 9/29/2013 6:56 AM.

Service Pack Srvc Pack1 (

1041: Launch inventory from Bill of Materials

Added the ability to drill down to the inventory module from the BOM Master Item tab in the Bill of Material module.

Right click on any item in the tree list and click the Inventory option to locate and open that items inventory record.

1050: Reprinting an Invoice lists items multiple times.

Reprinting an invoice from the Invoice and Credits window that had multiple packing slips numbers would list the line items multiple times based on how many packing slips were attached to the invoice.

Reprinting an invoice from the Invoice and Credits window now only displays each line item once, regardless of how many packing slips are attached to the invoice.

1056: Cant log in after installing update

An intermittent log in issue was reported when a user had a certain password set.

This issue has been resolved

1042: Process Plan Schedule Not Functioning Correctly

Added more functionality to all the Gantt charts in the Process Plan, Master Schedule, Resource Schedule, etc.

More consistent when moving from one record to another and retaining the zoom factor when reloading, not to revert back to the default zoom settings when the refresh button is clicked.

Added squeeze and expand buttons to expand the chart display when its too compressed and squeeze the chart display when its being displayed too wide.

Fixed the right click and left click mouse functionality when clicking the nodes.  Added consistency to the toolbar's timescale 'Minutes', 'Days', 'Weeks', 'Month'.

1043: Access Violation in What If Scheduling

After closing the Schedule Results window in What If Scheduling an Access Violation message would appear.

The Gantt chart has been fixed so the an Access Violation message does not appear in version

1045: Right Clicking on OP# Focuses to End of Timeline.

Right clicking on the operation in the Process Plan and “What if” Schedule would focus the view to the end of the timeline.

Right clicking on the operation in the process plan and “What if” Schedule now focuses the view to the end of the scheduled operation.

1046: Editing Timeline With Right Click Dialog Box Does Not Update Toolbar

Editing the timeline by using the edit Timescale option would not update the toolbar with the applied settings.

Now when the Timescale is edited the toolbar is updated so settings hold after refreshing the data.

1047: Master Schedule Right Click on Operation Not Functioning Properly.

Right clicking on the operation in the Master Schedule would focus the view to the end of the timeline.

Right clicking on the operation in the Master Schedule now focuses the view to the end of the scheduled operation.

1048: Left and Right Clicking Does not Function Correctly on Month View

Right or left clicking on the operation in the Process Plan and “What if” Schedule would focus the view to the end of the timeline when right clicking and would not focus to the beginning of the operation when left clicking.

Right or left clicking on the operation in the Process Plan and “What if” Schedule now focuses the view to the end of the operation when right clicking and now focuses to the beginning of the operation when left clicking.  The “Squeeze” and “Expand” timeline buttons were added to help navigate better though the operation schedule.