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Release Notes Repository»Release Notes 8.5.6»Service Pack
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Last modified on 9/30/2017 5:54 AM.


Service Pack

SMARTer Manager 8.5.6 Srvc Pack3 (

652: Quantity Shipped Doesn't Match Shipment Quantity

When closing a shipment short, shipping to inventory, etc. the remaining quantity didn't seem to reflect the order balance remaining.

Related to case 662 , adding the Inventory transfer field now shows all the transactions on the Production Order for the job.

662: Shipping Parts to Inventory Leads to Improperly Calculated Shipment Totals

This item is related to Case 652.

When shipping to inventory or transferring to inventory the transaction information wasn't available for viewing on the Production Order.

The number of parts shipped to inventory now shows in the new "Invty. Transfer Qty" field on the header of the form in Production Orders, on the Shipments tab and also notated in the Inventory module.

1021: Paste All Fields Misses Item Number and UOM

Adding a Purchase Order item using the Paste All function wasn't pasting over the UOM or Item Number.

This issue has been resolved and all data is now populated on the form. If the user pastes an item that has multiple version in inventory (i.e. component, standard), the Select Inventory Item window appears before pasting the data.