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Release Notes Repository»Release Notes 10.5»Service Pack 4 (
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Last modified on 1/17/2023 10:04 AM.


Service Pack 4 (

10.5.4 Service Pack 4 ( 

You Must be Running SMARTer Manager: 9.x to apply Service Pack 4 (

If you Are Not Running version 9.x Do Not Apply this service pack.

This release contains 39 cases including 16 new functionalities (enhancements) and a new tool, Inventory Price Modifier. Use CTRL+F to search NEW: to locate product enhancements.

Table of Contents
  1. 10.5.4 Service Pack 4 ( 
  2. 362: Continuity issue with customizing BOM locations grid.
  3. 998: Editing a Timecard Doesn't Update the Work Center Tab
  4. 1400: Form Size Issues
  5. 1753: Upgrade databases to remove orphaned inventory purchase order order transactions
  6. 2006: Update to View Builder Delphi version
  7. 2008: Mouse Wheel Doesn't Scroll DB Grids
  8. 2023: Add Archive Utility to the Menu Items
  9. 2034: Metadata Table Schema Names with Trailing Spaces
  10. 2054: Purchasing Customize Grid Immediate Access Violation
  11. 2055: Voiding Checkbook Items Deletes the Record
  12. 2064: "Unsupported qbXML version" error in QB Payroll Wizard
  13. 2069: Update Report Job Number
  14. 2077: Inventory Issue to Job Number not finding Job Number
  15. 2083: SMARTer Manager Upgrade Skipping Files during the process
  16. 2084: SMARTer Archive Utility and Archive Database Update
  17. 2085: Intermittent Database Exception when opening View Forms
  18. 2096: Marking a credit "Complete" then marking it "Ready" converts credit to invoice in Shipments
  19. *NEW 711: Invoice Transaction Needs Calendar Control
  20. *NEW 926: Print Setup - Save as Default
  21. *NEW 2042: Fast-Find and Locate Memo Fields in Grid
  22. *NEW 2057: Checkbook to Checkbook Transfer
  23. *EXTENDED 2070: Decimal Precision in Terms Module
  24. *NEW 2071: Enhanced Complex Password Security
  25. *NEW 2078: Multi-Select Requirements when Creating Production Order's to fulfill MRP Requirements
  26. *NEW  2088: Inventory Price Modifier Tool
  27. *NEW 2097: New Fields Inventory Reservation Tab Grid
  28. *NEW 2098: New Fields Inventory Activity Grid

362: Continuity issue with customizing BOM locations grid.

The BOM "Stock" grid was not previously customizable. 

The BOM "Stock" grid now has the right click "Customize Grid" option.


998: Editing a Timecard Doesn't Update the Work Center Tab

This has been resolved in SMARTer Manager 10.5.4.
Issues related to editing a timecard are listed below.
• When a timecard's operation changed, the timecard's hours were not backed out
of the old operation. (This has been corrected.)
• When a timecard's hours were cleared to zero by deleting the Stop time, the
hours were not backed out of the operation. (This has been corrected.)
• After the timecard's hours were backed out, if the operation had no hours
left, the operation's status was left unchanged. (The status is now cleared.)
• Only deleting a timecard successfully backed out the timecard's hours from the

1400: Form Size Issues

Multiple screens throughout the program appear with misaligned buttons or scrollbars.

Modules affected: Sales Commission, GL Journals, Dimensional Inventory Reservation Quantities, AP Management, Unfreeze Schedule, Quick Print, Purchasing, Real Time Tracking, Shipments, ABC Levels and Paste From. 


1753: Upgrade databases to remove orphaned inventory purchase order order transactions

Milestone changed from '10.5.0 SM (Major DVD Release) to '10.5.4 Srvc Pack 4. This change was necessary to add functionality to the resolution. 

The upgrade removes orphaned inventory purchase order transactions in addition to deleting inventory order transactions where the original purchase item no longer exists, inventory order transactions of received purchase items are deleted.

Earlier releases allowed Purchase Order Items to be deleted without deleting their associated inventory transactions. Although this had since been fixed, the orphaned inventory transactions may continue to exist.

The database upgrade process now removes any orphaned inventory transactions and recalculates those inventory items' Quantity On Order values.


2006: Update to View Builder Delphi version

Adding fields from detail linked tables would result in a SQL error in some cases. An example of a detail linked table is the individual shipping transactions of a single shipment. 

The View builder has been updated to fix the SQL syntax errors when adding these fields from detail linked tables. 


2008: Mouse Wheel Doesn't Scroll DB Grids

In previous version of SMARTer Manager some grids would not respond to the mouse scroll wheel. 

The grids have been updated to respond the mouse scroll wheel. 


2023: Add Archive Utility to the Menu Items

You can now open the SMARTer Archive Utility From Toolbox>Utilities>Database Utilities>Archive on any client computer.
Before the user had to run the SMARTer Archive Utility by opening the utility via start menu shortcut.

2034: Metadata Table Schema Names with Trailing Spaces

This case identifies a problem where SMARTer Manager Views fail to link certain lookup tables, making them unavailable in View construction and execution.

A coded fix was made here to address the erroneous data in the SMARTer metadata table TABLEFIELDS, where seven rows have trailing spaces for LOOKUP_TABLE and/or LOOKUP_MASTER_FIELD values. 


2054: Purchasing Customize Grid Immediate Access Violation

Customizing the Purchase Order Items grid sometimes caused an Access Violation error. Disabling custom forms might play a role in the issue.
This issue has been fixed in this version of SMARTer Manager. The Purchasing Grid is now customizable without error.

2055: Voiding Checkbook Items Deletes the Record

In the previous version of SMARTer Manager, the transaction is automatically voided and deleted by clicking the [Void Item] button in Deposits/Debit Transactions.
In this release, the Deposits/Debit Transactions are voided but remain in the register until the user manually deletes the item. The Checkbook Reconciliation reports will no longer display voided transactions on the Checkbook reconciliation reports.

2064: "Unsupported qbXML version" error in QB Payroll Wizard

"Unsupported qbXML version" error in QB Payroll Wizard would appear for some users that updated QuickBooks.

Need to update to the new QuickBooks SDK. New SDK:


2069: Update Report Job Number

The job number field allowable character limit was increased from 15 alphanumeric characters to 20 throughout SMARTer Manager and the database. All forty-one (41) reports have been updated to have room for the increased character limit the of the Job Number field.


2077: Inventory Issue to Job Number not finding Job Number

When using the Inventory >Lot  Quantities > "Issue to Job Number"  Entering the job number didn't display any data to choose from.

This issue is resolved. The updated Job Number field is recognizable across all forms and input fields.


2083: SMARTer Manager Upgrade Skipping Files during the process

When upgrading an existing installation of SMARTer Manager some system files and the BOM utility wasn't consistently updated.
This issue is resolved in this release.


2084: SMARTer Archive Utility and Archive Database Update

The archive Utility has been updated to work with the Database changes for 10.5.4

2085: Intermittent Database Exception when opening View Forms

Previously opening a View Form module like Production Orders the user could experience a SQL exception error.
This issue was caused by saving the views parameters and attempting to recreate them casting a duplication of the parameters in the SQL Where clause.
This has been fixed to make sure the views parameters are not saved after switching views or closing the module.

2096: Marking a credit "Complete" then marking it "Ready" converts credit to invoice in Shipments

Previously if the user edited the "Status" button in Shipments to mark a "Ready to Credit" item to "Complete" then used the "Status" button to mark it "Ready" the credit will be converted to "Ready to Invoice" and will produce an invoice if printed.
Now selecting "Ready" sets the completed Credit transaction to "Ready to Credit"

*NEW 711: Invoice Transaction Needs Calendar Control

*NEW The calendar field on the invoice transaction form wasn't displaying the full date. The calendar field was added in an earlier version and updated fixes for viewing the full date is in this release.

Faulty Calendar Field Fixed Calendar Field

*NEW 926: Print Setup - Save as Default

In prior versions of SMARTer Manager, some of the printer forms didn't have a Set As Default for the printer selection. This has been implemented and exists for the print form which launches when clicking the [Print] button.
Save changes to the printer settings by clicking the OK dialog, but without "Save as Default" checked.
- The changed printer settings should remain while the parent form is open.
- The changes should revert after the parent form is closed and later reopened.
Save changes to the printer settings by clicking the OK dialog, with "Save as Default" checked.
- The changed printer settings should remain while the parent form is open.
- The changed printer settings should remain after the parent form is closed and later reopened.
If later the printer settings are changed without "Save as Default" checked, these changes should only remain while the parent form is open. Close and reopening the parent form should restore the last changes made when "Save as Default" was checked.

*NEW 2042: Fast-Find and Locate Memo Fields in Grid

In previous version of SMARTer Manager the Notepad and other Memo data type fields were removed from view in the Locate and Fast Find due to speed issues. In this release the fields are viewable in the grid of Locate and Fast-Find and viewable data as well.
Fast-Find & Locate allow memos (notepad) in grids
Views created by Fast-Find and Locate show all memo fields.

*NEW 2057: Checkbook to Checkbook Transfer

Extensive new functionality!
When a credit or debit distribution account includes that of another checkbook. 
Prior version of SMARTer Manager didn't allow the user to in transfer in the Checkbooks module. This release allows the user to transfer to another checkbook and have both the credit and debit activity show on both checkbooks.
Voiding a Check/Credit or Deposit/Debit voids any transfer Debits/Credits that were created by its distribution accounts. If the Credit/Debit being voided was created as part of a distribution account by another Debit/Credit, then that Debit/Credit will be voided along with any other transfer Credits/Debits it had created.
Similarly, deleting a Check/Credit or Deposit/Debit deletes any transfer Debits/Credits that were created by its distribution accounts.  If the Credit/Debit being deleted was created as part of a distribution account by another Debit/Credit, then that Debit/Credit will be deleted along with any other transfer Credits/Debits it had created.
Checkbooks allow a debit with a reference [deposit] number that matches a check number in a checkbook  of any of the distribution accounts. This prevents duplicate check numbers. Neither can the debit's reference  [deposit] number be blank when a distribution account is assigned to a checkbook because its check number is assigned the deposit number, and it cannot be blank.

*EXTENDED 2070: Decimal Precision in Terms Module

Previously the user could only have a decimal precision of 3 for custom terms.
This has been increased to have a decimal precision of 6 for custom terms.

*NEW 2071: Enhanced Complex Password Security

An option to make password Case sensitive and Force complex password functionality has been . The Password Requirement Options are changed, the program compares the new requirement(s) with the existing user passwords. If there are any passwords violating the new requirement(s), on save a message will pop up, letting the user save anyway or return back to the dialog.
If the case-sensitive requirement option becomes checked, then users with passwords created before updating to the 10.5.4 release will have to capitalize all letters in their passwords. Otherwise the password verification will fail.
This is because prior to 10.5.4 all lowercase letters in passwords were forced to uppercase when stored.

*NEW 2078: Multi-Select Requirements when Creating Production Order's to fulfill MRP Requirements

Previously a user could only select a single requirement in the Production Order Requirements -> MRP Requirements tab when creating Production Orders. Now a user can select multiple requirements for the same part and and create one Production Order to fulfill them all.
  • Changes to Production Order Requirements -> MRP Requirements tab
  • The grid now supports multi-select using the Shift and Control keys.
  • Right click menu has new item "Select all with this Item Number". If the grid is not in Item Number order, it will automatically be sorted by Item Number before all requirements with that Item Number are selected.
  1. To create a Production Order from multiple selected items:
    1.  the user can right-click and select Create New Order
    2. Or use the [Create Production Order] button at the bottom of the form.
    3. Multiple selected requirements are only accepted to create a Production Order if:
      1. The same Item Number, Unit of Measure, and Part Number Type.
  • The order's Order Quantity and Production Quantity will default to the sum of the selected requirement quantities.
  • The Date Required will default to the MRP requirement's Date Required that is closest to Today's Date. Note: If an MRP's Date Required is blank its Shipment Date Required is checked instead.
  • The Target Date will default to the MRP requirement shipment's Target Date that is closest to Today's Date.


*NEW  2088: Inventory Price Modifier Tool

The Inventory Price Modifier is a user-friendly tool for updating the Standard Price for specific inventory items. The tool's assigned Standard Price Multiplier is applied to the Standard Price for all inventory items matching any criteria row.
  1. Each row is additive, not overlapping.
  2. No criteria will apply the change to ALL inventory items. (This will result in a warning and confirmation before continuing.)
    1. For example, to increase the price by 20% for all inventory items with category GAUGES, enter a value of 1.2 - similar to a spreadsheet formula. The current prices plus 20%. - into the Standard Price Multiplier and select Inventory Category GAUGES.
  3. Update criteria can be further narrowed down by entering specific texts and using the desired comparison.
  4. The View SQL button allows the user to review the SQL statement that will be executed.
  5. Clicking Run will execute the SQL statement and report how many rows have changed.
  6. The user can then Apply [commit] or Cancel [Rollback] the SQL transaction.

The Inventory Price Modifier can be used to update the Standard Price in Inventory. 

To use the utility first set the “Standard Price Multiplier” Example: To increase the price by 6.75% set the Standard Price Multiplier to 1.0675

Next set the criteria on what parts to update by this Price Multiplier.  This can be done by using the Prefix, suffix, or containing from the Master Number Comparison Text. Click “+” to add a criteria.   NOTE: the Standard Price Multiplier will apply to all the criteria rows that have been added.  To apply a different Price Multiplier, you must first apply the previous set then use the “- “button to clear the rows.

If the Item Numbers in inventory is STL-1254, STL-5845… target them for update by using by STL as Comparison Text and Prefix as the Comparison Approach.     

If the Item Numbers in inventory was 4586RPF, 4256RPF, 2545RPF, …then the parts could be targeted using Suffix as the Comparison Approach and RPF as the Comparison Text.

The item numbers can be targeted if the field contains anything in the Comparison Text. If the parts where 154-LST-001, 154-LST-002, 658-LST-001... then set the Comparison Text to LST and Comparison Approach to Containing.

The inventory category can be used as well. To update all inventory items with category GAUGES, select Inventory Category GAUGES.                        

The View SQL button allows the user to review the SQL statement that will be executed.

If all the inventory items need to be updated by the same Price Multiplier just set the Price Multiplier and then click “Run”.  After accepting the confirmation, the user can then Apply or cancel.

To update the prices after the criteria and multiplier are set click the “Run” button.  Now the amount on records that will be update will display at the bottom. The user can then Apply [commit] or Cancel [Rollback] the SQL transaction.


*NEW 2097: New Fields Inventory Reservation Tab Grid

The Customer PO number for the Production Order or Sales Order has been added to the Reservation and Requirements grids located on the Inventory>Reservation tab grid.
Adding the new fields to the grid for the Reservation and Requirements section.
  1. Right click the grid and choose the Customize Grid option.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the Field List column and select one of the new fields.
  3. Click the Select Item button -> to add the field to the Grid Fields column.

To reorder or remove the fields in the Grid Fields column:

  1. Click on the field to reorder or remove.
  2. Click the Up or Down button to reorder the list or click the Remove Field <- button.
  3. To Save the order click the OK button.
  4. The fields are saved to the grid display.  


*NEW 2098: New Fields Inventory Activity Grid

The Customer PO number for the Production Order or Sales Order has been added to the Reservation and Requirements grids located on the Inventory>Reservation tab grid.

How to add fields to the Inventory Activity Grid.

  1. Right click the grid and choose the Customize Grid option.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the Field List column and select one of the new fields.
  3. Click the Select Item button -> to add the field to the Grid Fields column.

To reorder or remove the fields in the Grid Fields column:

  1. Click on the field to reorder or remove.
  2. Click the Up or Down button to reorder the list or click the Remove Field <- button.
  3. To Save the order click the OK button.
  4. The fields are saved to the grid display.  

10.5.4 Srvc Pack 4 (